Research outlines
The research of our lab interfaces with condensed matter physics, materials science, and biophysics.
Current research projects involve the development of synthesis and crystal growth of novel carbon materials such as carbon nanotubes and fullerenes.
The growth of organic crystals including proteins is also involved in research projects.
The structural, mechanical and optical properties are investigated by X-ray topography, atomic force microscopy (AFM), nanoindentation method, ultrasonic method, photoluminescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, etc.
News & Topics
Archives- Our research paper was published in "PNAS" !! (2022/05/16)
- Our research paper on slight twisting in protein…
- Our research paper was published in "ACS Journal" (2021/10/21)
- Our research paper on electroluminescence of nat…
- Selected in Top 100 Scientific Reports papers in 2019 (2020/03/31)
- Our research paper on "Synthesis of carbon quant…
- A book "Fullerene Nanowhiskers" was published ! (2019/04/05)
- A book "Fullerene nanowhiksers (2nd edition…
- Our research paper was published in "PNAS" !! (2018/03/22)
- Our research paper on dynamical diffracton in pr…